Portland Frocktails is for Portland and surrounding PNW area sewists.

All are welcome. Wear something you’ve made, have a beverage, chat with other sewists, meet people in the sewing industry, and enjoy community comaraderie.

Events will be listed here as they are scheduled. Current sponsors will be listed shortly.

Our goal is to model after Bay Area Sewists and Melbourne Frocktails, with a healthy dose of Workroom Social.

What does this mean? It means following the mantra of Jennifer Weiss, founder of Workroom Social, and have an incredibly friendly and inclusive atmosphere. It means lighthearted social time with other sewists of all skill levels who love discussing fiber content, seam alllowances, and French curves as much as you do. It means learning about local companies that cater to our passions. Maybe we can have speakers, teachers, or demonstrations. And, naturally, we must have a pattern swap table.

There is:

Instagram Portland Frocktails

Facebook Page Portland Frocktails

Facebook Group Portland Frocktails

As are our sewing projects, this site is a WIP.